Ready To Make Ripples?

Join our crew

Every season of Sailing Ripple Effect is different, but one thing we can promise, is that it will be an adventure. We will sail to places most people never get the chance to visit, experience new cultures, and meet new people with unique experiences and outlooks on life.

We will spend a lot of time both on land and on the water. You will learn how to sail, get new friends, dive, free dive, snorkel, hike, but you will also be a part of a boat crew with responsibilities, help out with creating our YouTube episodes, as well as using our channels to work on your own brand.

We try give back to the local communities as we travel, through medical care, citizen science, and spreading awareness about the things we see and places we visit. The season is shaped around the people that join, so your suggestions are welcome as we decide how to spend our days and give back to the places we visit.


Information about the new season:

Starting point: Indonesia (probably Bali)

End point: Who knows? Maybe Thailand

Start date: Around 1st of July 2024

End date: Around 01. September 2024

Application deadline: 30. April 2024


How to become part of the crew:

  1. Create a video application where you present yourself and why you should be a part of the crew, post it on you Instagram account as a reel and tag us @sailingrippleeffect #sailingrippleeffect (around 60-90 seconds)

  2. Email us about your interest:, link to your instagram video and potentially give us some more information about yourself if you feel like you have anything to add.

  3. We will invite selected applicants for a zoom interview where we can get to know each other better

  4. The final crew will be selected for this new adventure



  1. Must be 18 years old or older

  2. Must have a valid passport (valid minimum 6 months after the end of the season) and no travel restrictions

  3. Must be willing to be on camera (it is a YouTube show after all)

  4. Must have a desire to give back to the world somehow

  5. Must be eager to learn new skills and contribute to boat life

Who are we looking for:

This is a difficult question to answer, because there is no correct answer. We want people with passion, a sense of adventure, someone that wants to live life on their own terms, and with a desire to make the world a better place. But the most important thing we look for, is someone that fit the boating lifestyle, and who can get along with others. We are going to live in very close quarters, so to find someone that we can enjoy just being with is very important. But, of course, we are also on a mission to good, to inspire others and create something we are proud of – so if you can contribute to this as well – you are off to a good start.

Some of the special skills that can be useful (but not necessary) are:

  1. Videography skills: If you like to film and want to take a big part in planning episodes, filming episodes and work closely together with the captain and editor on this aspect, this is something we always look for.

  2. Social Media Creation: If you like to create content, engage on social channels, are not afraid of telling the rest of the crew what to do to get the best content

  3. Medical personnel: If you are a nurse/doctor/dentist/physiotherapist/or a student of these trades, you would be a great asset as we visit remote villages trying to give back to the communities we meet

  4. Marine biologist: We love to learn more about the ocean, the fish, the environment we surround ourselves in, so if you have expertise in this field, that is something we value a lot. These skills are also very valuable for the communities we visit, as they often lack education in these fields. With climate change changing their daily lives, they do not know how to adjust to their new reality, and want guidance in how they could adjust.

  5. Handy(wo)man: Things break at all times, both on our boat and in the villages we visit. If you are good at fixing things, whether it is electricity, mechanical, carpentry, plumbing, you would be a great asset

  6. Other skills that we haven’t thought about. There are a bunch of skills that we would love to have on our boat that we just haven’t thought about. So don’t be afraid to apply even if your skills are not on this list. And, even if you don’t think you have any “skills”, we also just want nice people. So please apply anyway. As I said, the most important thing is that we get along. You will be put to work no matter what ;)

What can you expect:

  1. 2 months of sailing to amazing locations

  2. A lot of great times and some big challenges

  3. The possibility to shape the season, both in regards to where we go, what we do and what kind of ripples we create

  4. A lot of change of plans due to weather, unexpected happenings, things breaking or that we just love a place too much and don’t want to leave

  5. We share all responsibilities on the boat: cooking, cleaning, sailing, shopping, planning, so be ready to do your part in all of these areas.

  6. Probably some seasickness


What is included:

It is free to be part of our crew, and these things are included.

  1. Accommodation on the boat for the entirety of the season

  2. The food we eat on the boat

  3. Costs connected to running the boat

  4. Immigration fees


What is not included:

  1. Transportation to and from the boat

  2. Food on land (restaurant visits etc.)

  3. Visas

  4. Personal purchases

  5. On-land excursions


If you want some insider tips for how to join the crew, fill in the form below. Make sure to check your email (also your spam) to get some insider information about how to join next season of Sailing Ripple Effect.